Decision details
Future options: leisure, libraries, and museum services
Decision Maker: Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To present a report on longer-term options for
service provision and seek Members opinion on the available
The Chief Executive introduced the report which outlined the Future Options for Leisure, Libraries and Museum Services for the committee to consider. It was explained that the recommendations from this meeting would be taken to Cabinet later in the week.
The Strategic Executive Officer and Strategic Finance Manager provided a presentation which included an overview of the current operating arrangements and options appraisal for future delivery for the Committee to consider and share opinions on preferred options to Cabinet. The Corporate Manager (People and Organisational Development) provided information on TUPE and explained the Pension implications.
A number of questions were raised by Members, with responses provided by Officers in attendance. Questions asked covered the following areas:-
• The recommendations made by FMG Consulting Ltd;
• Members having sight of additional financial information, specifically around financial implications;
• The continuity of service and possible disruption to service users;
• Members having sight of legal advice;
• Subsidy Legislation;
The Chair referred to the recommendations outlined within the report and suggested that, following the debate, and the comments made by Members, further information was required and that the recommendations should be amended to reflect this.
A recorded vote was requested on the following proposed recommendations:-
a) That the background information and current position in relation to leisure, libraries, play and museum services had been hard to obtain and lacking in detail;
b) That the Committee ask Cabinet to seek to continue a contract with Aura; and
c) That further reports be brought back to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee as the work progressed and as required.
For the recommendations:-
Councillors: Helen Brown, Gladys Healey, Dave Mackie, Debbie Owen,
Andrew Parkhurst, Carolyn Preece, Jason Shallcross and Arnold Woolley
Against the recommendations:-
No Members voted against the recommendations.
Councillors: Teresa Carberry, Mel Buckley, Gina Maddison and Ryan McKeown
(a) That it be noted that the background information and current position in relation to leisure, libraries, play and museum services had been hard to obtain and lacking in detail;
(b) That the Committee ask Cabinet to seek to continue a contract with Aura; and
(c) That further reports be brought back to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee as the work progressed and as required.
Report author: Kelly Oldham-Jones
Publication date: 04/06/2024
Date of decision: 28/05/2024
Decided at meeting: 28/05/2024 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee