Decision details

Vacancy on the Standards Committee

Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(a)       That the Chief Officer (Governance) advertises to fill the vacancy on the Standards Committee and shares as much of that process with Wrexham County Borough Council as possible; and


(b)       That a Panel of the following consider applications and makes recommendations to County Council for the appointment of any suitable candidate:

·         The Chair of the Council

·         The Standards Committee Chair

·         The Community Council representative

·         Graham Binnie, lay person

·         A Councillor Member of the Standards Committee as detailed above


Report author: Amanda Davidson

Publication date: 03/06/2015

Date of decision: 13/04/2015

Decided at meeting: 13/04/2015 - Standards Committee

Accompanying Documents: