Decision details

Sustainability in Housing

Decision Maker: Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider work undertaken within Housing Services, and future proposals including the potential use of water meters


(a)       That Members support the development of a Sustainability Strategy for Housing in line with appropriate standards and consultation with planning control and that Members note the success of energy efficiency schemes to date;


(b)       That Members note changes to energy efficiency funding, with the ending of the Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) and the introduction of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal; and


(c)        That Members support the collection of water charges based upon the rationale presented.

Report author: Clare Budden

Publication date: 27/02/2013

Date of decision: 23/01/2013

Decided at meeting: 23/01/2013 - Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15

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