Decision details

National Collaborative Arrangements for Welsh (local authority) Adoption and Fostering services

Decision Maker: Flintshire County Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek agreement to sign the Joint Committee Agreement for the proposed Joint Committee


(a)       That the new governance arrangements established through the

Joint Committee Agreement for the National Adoption Service and Foster

Wales be noted; and


(b)       That, as part of the local governance oversight, an annual report on the National Adoption Service, and regional and local service delivery, be presented to Social and Health Care Overview Scrutiny Committee. 

Report author: Emma Cater

Publication date: 23/08/2022

Date of decision: 24/05/2022

Decided at meeting: 24/05/2022 - Flintshire County Council

Accompanying Documents: