Decision details

Maes Gwern Contractual Arrangements

Decision Maker: Governance and Audit Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To provide an update on progress with the action plan.


The Committee received a report on progress with the action plan relating to recommendations arising from the Internal Audit report from October 2021 on contractual arrangements for the Maes Gwern development.  The report had been requested following the Committee’s concerns about the lack of progress with actions, particularly those rated as red risks.


The Strategic Housing & Delivery Programme Manager reported that whilst some work was ongoing, significant progress had been made to ensure a robust framework for measuring and recording incoming information.  He shared detailed information on revised timescales for the full value of the capital receipt and the resolution of contractual arrangements.


The Chief Executive provided background context to the scale and complexity of the project and gave assurance that learning principles would be taken forward for the future.


The Chief Officer (Governance) said that a key element of learning was to adapt processes to reflect management recommendations arising from Internal Audit reviews.  His suggestion for a collective post-project review meeting to capture learning was supported by the Chair who proposed this as an additional recommendation.


In response to questions from Allan Rainford, officers envisaged that the full value of the capital receipt would be received within the deadline quoted and shared information on current resources within the Finance team.


In response to questions from Councillor Andrew Parkhurst, the Strategic Finance Manager provided clarification on capital receipts received to date for which there was an audit trail.  Councillor Parkhurst reiterated his earlier concerns about the Committee having sufficient oversight of information so that it could be assured that process was being followed.  During discussion on these concerns, officers provided clarity on the teams involved in the process on which there was segregation of duty.  On concerns about transparency of information, officers agreed to give further consideration as to how best to report capital receipts involving ongoing projects without breaching commercial confidence.


The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager advised of a forthcoming meeting with the Housing officers to establish whether any of the actions could be closed down.


The recommendations, as amended, were moved and seconded by Rev Brian Harvey and Allan Rainford.


As requested by the Chair, a brief update on progress with the action plan would be scheduled for the January meeting.




(a)       That the report and the updated timetable for the remaining actions be noted; and


(b)       That a cross-authority post-project review meeting be held to ensure that all learning is drawn out and captured.

Report author: Lynne McAlpine

Publication date: 29/11/2022

Date of decision: 14/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 14/11/2022 - Governance and Audit Committee

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