Issue - meetings

Schedule of Member Remuneration

Meeting: 20/05/2014 - Flintshire County Council (Item 10)

10 Schedule of Member Remuneration pdf icon PDF 36 KB


(a)       That band (b) be the agreed payment to the Council Chair and Vice-Chair;


(b)       That the maximum number of days eligible for payment of co-optees allowance be increased from 10 to 15 days in each Council year; and


(c)        That the Democracy & Governance Manager be authorised to amend the Council’s Schedule of Member Remuneration to reflect the above decisions and the changes arising from the IRPW’s Annual Report.


The Democracy & Governance Manager presented the report to seek approval of the Council’s proposed Schedule of Member Remuneration for 2014/15.  He explained the requirement for the changes within the Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW), which had been made available to Members, to be implemented from the date of the Council’s Annual General Meeting.


As detailed in the report and at the Council’s meeting on 30 April 2014, there were small increases in the ‘basic salary’ for Members and for Member ‘senior salaries’ whilst agreement needed to be reached on which of the three payment bands should apply to the Civic Head and Deputy.  The Democracy & Governance Manager gave a reminder of the widening of the meetings eligible for co-optees allowance that had taken effect on 1 January 2014.  As a result, one co-opted member had reached the annual maximum payment of ten full days.  Members were requested to consider whether to increase the annual maximum to 15 full days.


Councillor Aaron Shotton proposed that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council receive the payments in band (b).  He moved approval that 15 days be the maximum for which a co-opted member could be paid in any one year and that the Democracy & Governance Manager be authorised to amend the Schedule of Member Remuneration to reflect these changes.  This was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge and on being put to the vote, was carried.




(a)       That band (b) be the agreed payment to the Council Chair and Vice-Chair;


(b)       That the maximum number of days eligible for payment of co-optees allowance be increased from 10 to 15 days in each Council year; and


(c)        That the Democracy & Governance Manager be authorised to amend the Council’s Schedule of Member Remuneration to reflect the above decisions and the changes arising from the IRPW’s Annual Report.