Issue - meetings

Single Integrated Plan 2012 -2017

Meeting: 15/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 210)

210 Single Integrated Plan 2012 -2017 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Executive introduced the Single Integrated Plan (SIP) 2013-2017 newly adopted by the Flintshire Local Service Board (LSB) which complemented the Council’s Improvement Plan.


Welsh Government (WG) required LSBs to produce a SIP and by following WG Guidance for Integrating Plans and Partnerships ‘Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery’ (June 2012), Flintshire incorporated the following statutory plans into a single and consolidated SIP:


·        Flintshire CountyVision – 2009 to 2019

·        Making a Positive Difference Plan – 2011 to 2014 (Children & Young People’s Partnership)

·        Community Safety Strategic Plan – 2011 to 2014

·        Good Health, Good Care Strategy – 2011 to 2014 (Health, Social Care and Well-being Partnership)


The guidance provided a framework for local authorities and other planning bodies to meet their statutory planning responsibilities and balance WG priorities with local priorities and choice.


The first priority of the Single Integrated Plan was “Leading by example as employers and Community Leaders”.  Within that priority a commitment had been made to the adoption of the ‘Employers’ Promise’, which was officially signed and adopted by all Local Service Board partners on 3 April 2014 and would be presented to the County Council meeting on 30 April.  The innovative ‘Employers’ Promise’ was appended to the report.




That the Single Integrated Plan 2013-2017 be endorsed and that support be continued on its delivery of outcomes both as a partner to the Local Service Board and through the Council’s Improvement and other principal plans.