Issue - meetings

School Funding Formula Review

Meeting: 30/01/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 68)

68 School Funding Formula Review pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the outcome of the formal and informal consultation process be noted; and


(b)       That the revised School Funding Formula be endorsed by the Committee.



The Director of Lifelong Learning introduced a report to update Members on the outcome of the consultation regarding the Flintshire Schools’ Funding Formula review, and to outline the final steps towards implementation of the new formula by April 2014.


The Director referred to the long and detailed process undertaken to review both the Primary and Secondary formulae and paid tribute to the commitment and hard work of officers, headteachers and governor representatives in developing a new set of principles to underpin the allocation of resources to schools.


The Finance Manager provided a presentation on the Schools Funding Formula Review.  The main points of the presentation were as follows:


·        Post 16 Funding Formula

·        Secondary Funding Formula Review

·        Primary Funding Formula Review

·        Consultation

·        Formula Impact

·        Formula Review Outcomes

·        Transition/Damping

·        Next Steps


Councillor Chris Bithell commented on the changes which had taken place within schools since the formula was developed and the new methodologies for distribution  which had been added to historical arrangements.  He said it had long been acknowledged that a review of the formula was overdue and commended all those who had been involved in undertaking the process.


Councillor Aaron Shotton advised that the revised funding formula would put the Authority in a good position to seek national change for funding.

He commented that the proposed formula was still subject to consultation

and Members would be able to comment on it if they wished.         


Mr David Hytch endorsed the thanks which had been expressed by Members for the work involved in producing the new formulae and the sensitivity and collaboration with which the task had been undertaken.  He said he was disappointed at the lack of response to the consultation exercise and emphasised that all interested parties had a role to play in achieving the best outcomes for young people in Flintshire.


Councillor Dave Mackie expressed concerns around the reduction in Post 16 funding with effect from April 2014 and the possible impact on pupils who wished to study for A levels.  The Finance Manager explained that the intention of the Welsh Government (WG) was to ensure that pupils were directed to the most appropriate pathway for learning and were advised of their options to make a transition from education to work.


Councillor Nancy Matthews reiterated the concerns expressed by Councillor Mackie around the reduction in funding for Post 16 education and revised methodology.  She raised concerns that pupils who wished to study for less than 3 A levels may be disadvantaged.  The Director and Finance Manager responded to the issues raised and commented on the WG intention for pupils to have a programme of learning that gave them the opportunity to progress.


Councillor Amanda Bragg sought clarification on the funding  implications if pupils decided not to continue with their A level studies during the year.  The Finance Manager explained that there was no funding adjustment for pupil “drop-out” part way through the year.


In response to the questions raised by Mrs Rebecca Stark, the Finance Manager advised that Post 16  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68