Issue - meetings
People Strategy 2014 - 2017
Meeting: 15/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 212)
212 PEOPLE STRATEGY 2014 - 2017 PDF 35 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development provided a progress report on the delivery of the People Strategy for 2009-12, extended to 2014, to conclude the current strategy as at March 2014. Members were advised on the key themes and priorities for the next People Strategy for 2014-2017 prior to the full review and development of the new strategy.
Over the last five years the Council had made significant achievements in delivering projects under the strategy, which was structured under the five key themes of Customer, Change, Capacity, Consolidation and Collaboration.
The Council was undergoing significant organisational change to better meet changing circumstances, save money and better use senior talent to modernise the organisation. Services within the Council needed to be improved and transformed at a faster pace, whilst protecting high performance. Planning for such change would require modernisation to be lean, productive, efficient, resilient and high performing.
The new People Strategy would support the organisation by developing and embedding leadership values and behaviours and managing the transition from the current to the future service models with a focus on organisation design principles, positive cultural change, talent management, sustainability and high performance and productivity. The main priorities for 2014 were detailed in the report.
The priorities for the next three years, under the new People Strategy, were proposed to be within three themes of: Employee Development and Talent Management; Employee Performance and Productivity; and Health and Wellbeing.
On the Single Status Agreement, the Chief Executive explained that implementation would be on 1 June 2014 following the ‘Yes’ vote in the recent ballot. Both he and the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment expressed their thanks to all employees involved in the Single Status project and to the Trade Unions for their hard work and contribution to bringing about a successful resolution to the Single Status ballot.
(a) That the achievements made in relation to delivery of the current People Strategy be noted;
(b) That the immediate priorities for 2014 be noted and endorsed; and
(c) That the intention to draft a new People Strategy 2014 to 2017, following the leadership restructure in May 2014, be noted.