Issue - meetings

North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project - 2nd Inter Authority Agreement

Meeting: 18/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 203)

203 North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project - 2nd Inter Authority Agreement pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations and including the following resolution:


That adoption of IAA2 is conditional upon the air quality monitoring being maintained for the contractual period.


The Chief Executive introduced the report which provided details of the required Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA2) to take the partnership through the following stages:


·        To seek planning and environmental consents

·        Construction

·        Managing the contract for the operation of the facility over the life of the contract

·        Concluding the contract on expiry


At the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project (NWRWTP) Joint Committee meeting on 29 January 2014, agreement was reached on the remaining key issues of the IAA2.  The key principles were set out in the table of the report.  On additional air quality monitoring, it was agreed that adoption of the IAA2 was conditional upon it being maintained for the contractual period and any review of the arrangements should be a matter reserved to the Councils for a unanimous decision under Schedule 1.


A summary of the IAA2 principles produced by the project’s legal advisors, Pinsent Masons, was highlighted within the draft IAA which was appended to the report. 




(a)       That it be noted that Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has reviewed and scrutinised the draft Inter-Authority Agreement and recommended its adoption;


(b)       That the Partnership and the Project be committed to by adopting, along with the other four Councils, the principles in the 2nd Inter-Authority Agreement which reflect the key terms of the Project Agreement to be entered into by the Lead Council with the Preferred Bidder on Contract Award;


            (c)        That delegated authority be granted to the Lead Chief Executive to:

·        Finalise the 2nd Inter-Authority Agreement for signing by the constituent authorities

·        Circulate the finalised agreement to the Monitoring Officers of all five authorities

·        Take into account the views of all constituent Authorities and to refer back to the Joint Committee for approval any material departures from the agreed principles


(d)       That it be approved for Council to sign the 2nd Inter-Authority Agreement once it has been finalised in accordance with the above procedure; and


(e)       That adoption of the 2nd Inter-Authority Agreement is conditional upon the air quality monitoring being maintained for the contractual period and any review of the arrangements should be a matter reserved to the Councils for a unanimous decision under Schedule 1.


NB – The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment left the room during consideration of this item.