Issue - meetings
Extra Care Development Update
Meeting: 18/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 206)
206 Extra Care Development Update
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 3 , View reasons restricted (206/2)
- Restricted enclosure 4 , View reasons restricted (206/3)
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services presented the report for approval of the strategy to take forward the Council’s Extra Care Housing Strategy.
(a) That the proposal to use the Intermediate Care Fund to support the two extra care developments, £275k for both Flint and Holywell be agreed;
(b) That it be agreed to continue work on both Holywell and Flint projects but to run them separately to enable progress to be made, so we are not travelling at the pace of the slowest;
(c) That assuming the grant will be agreed by Welsh Government, have further discussion with both RSLs regarding the details of delivering the following schemes independently of each other; and
(d) That officers be authorised to issue a VEAT notice concerning the Extra Care Development.