Issue - meetings
Term of Office of Co-Opted Members
Meeting: 31/03/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 82)
82 Term of Office of Co-Opter Members PDF 25 KB
That Mr David Hytch and Mrs Rebecca Stark, parent governor co-optees, be co-opted to the Committee on a personal basis from 1 March 2014, until such time as the results of the parent governor representative elections were known.
The Member Engagement Manager introduced a report to inform the Committee that the terms of office of two of the statutory co-opted Members had expired and to suggest an approach to ensure representation prior to an election being held.
The Member Engagement Manager provided background information and explained that the Lifelong Learning Directorate had initiated the election of parent governors. In the circumstances it was suggested that the most appropriate way of dealing with the issue was for the Committee to formally co-opt Mr. Hytch and Mrs. Stark until the results of the election of parent governor representatives was known. He advised that there was provision for this within section 76 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. This would ensure that the ability of the Committee to conduct its business was not impaired. For the time being the co-optees would be able to retain their seats on the Committee with most arrangements remaining the same, apart from the loss of voting rights on education issues. The Member Engagement Manager apologised to Mrs. Stark and Mr. Hytch that this had happened and commented that he had taken steps to ensure that it didn’t reoccur.
The Chairman asked the Committee to consider formally co-opting Mr David Hytch and Mrs Rebecca Stark from 1 March 2014 until such time as the results of the parent governor representative elections were known. Members voted on the proposal and this became the resolution of the Committee.
Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer asked when the results of the parent governor elections would be made available. The Member Engagement Manager advised that the process could take up to 6 weeks.
That Mr David Hytch and Mrs Rebecca Stark, parent governor co-optees, be co-opted to the Committee on a personal basis from 1 March 2014, until such time as the results of the parent governor representative elections were known.