Issue - meetings

Single Integrated Plan

Meeting: 28/04/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 50)

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That the commitments in the Single Integrated Plan 2013-2017 be noted and the delivery of outcomes both as a partner to the Local Service Board and through the Council’s Improvement and other principal plans be supported.



Councillor Brian Dunn returned to the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.


The Chief Executive presented the Single Integrated Plan 2013-2017 (SIP) of the Local Service Board. He provided background information and referred to the four priorities of the Local Service Board which each had detailed programme plans, governance and reporting arrangements.  He advised that the Single Integrated Plan combined these commitments and activities into one plan.  Flintshire’s SIP was formally adopted by the Local Service Board on 3 April 2014 and subsequently endorsed at a meeting of the Cabinet on 15 April 2014.


The Policy and Performance Manager gave an overview  of the four initial priorities and sub priorities which were detailed in the Flintshire SIP 2013-2017 which was distributed during the meeting.   She explained that the priorities had been chosen as those which could add most value and make a positive and lasting difference.  During the lifetime of the SIP the in year priorities would be revisited and adapted according to need and circumstances. 


During discussion the Chief Executive and the Policy and Performance Manager responded to the comments and queries raised by Members.  Councillor Chris Dolphin referred to the support provided for residents from within Community First areas and commented on the need for support in other areas where there may be deprivation.  




That the commitments in the Single Integrated Plan 2013-2017 be noted and the delivery of outcomes both as a partner to the Local Service Board and through the Council’s Improvement and other principal plans be supported.