Issue - meetings

Culture & Leisure Service Plan 2014-15

Meeting: 15/05/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 101)

101 Culture & Leisure Service Plan 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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That the Culture and Leisure Services Plan 2014/15 be noted.



The Principal Leisure Services Officer introduced the report to provide an overview of the Culture and Leisure Service Plan for 2014/15.  He provided background information and advised that the Plan linked to the Community strategy and to service specific strategies such as the Libraries Strategy.


During discussion members commented on the range of services provided by the Flintshire Library Service and the need to raise further awareness amongst the general public.


Councillor Nancy Matthews asked that the Committee received updates every 6 months on the ‘footfall’ at libraries in Flintshire and it was agreed that this be included as an item on the Committee’s Forward Work Programme.


Mr. David Hytch raised concerns around the North East Wales Schools Library Service and the Schools’ Buy Back of Service and sought clarification around the consequences if there were insufficient number of schools buying back. 


Mr. Hytch also referred to Leisure Services and expressed further concerns on the possible closure of income generating facilities due to insufficient repair and maintenance revenue budgets and the absence of capital finance.  In his response the Principal Leisure Services Officer referred to the work being undertaken in partnership with colleagues in other service areas to encourage use of  Public Open Space amenity land for recreational purposes and activities in the future. 




That the Culture and Leisure Services Plan 2014/15 be noted.