Issue - meetings

Responsible Pet Ownership Policy

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Responsible Pet Ownership Policy pdf icon PDF 46 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Housing introduced the Housing Service’s proposed Responsible Pet Ownership Policy.


                        It was a requirement in both the current tenancy agreement and the proposed one that written permission must be obtained from Flintshire County Council to keep a pet or animal.  However, some customers had complained that there was a lack of consistency in the decision making process.


                        It was therefore intended that the Responsible Pet Ownership Policy would provide the Neighbourhood Housing Teams with a clear framework for decision making so that there was a more consistent approach across the whole county.


                        The policy had been developed through feedback from residents who had reported animal related problems, through a Member workshop and in consultation with the Tenants Federation.  Details of the implementation issues, legal framework, application process, decision making, enforcement and community animal welfare footprints scheme were contained within the report.


                        The Chief Officer, Community and Enterprise emphasised that the policy would be applied going forward and not retrospectively.




(a)       That the report be noted and the proposed policy be approved; and


(b)       That the policy only be applied going forward and not retrospectively.