Issue - meetings
Private Sector Housing Renewal
Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 Private Sector Housing Renewal PDF 63 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Private Sector Housing Renewal, item 16 PDF 492 KB
- Enc. 2 for Private Sector Housing Renewal, item 16 PDF 18 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Cabinet Member for Housing introduced the proposed revisions to the Private Sector Renewal and Improvement Policy, along with the rationale for the revisions.
The three areas of change included:
· Introduction of new loan products to support energy efficiency measures
· Introduction of the Welsh Government Property Improvement Loan Scheme
· Strengthening the criteria to access empty homes support
Current statistics suggested that 1 in 3 Flintshire households, which equated to 20,000 households, were in fuel poverty and tackling this was an Improvement Plan priority. The objectives were to provide benefits to Flintshire households and to the council, as well as being a self sustaining area of the service. External funding would be administered in a way that allowed it to be recycled, so that it could be reinvested in further energy efficiency initiatives. This would operate as an invest to save fund.
The focus of the energy efficiency programme in 2014/15 would be major gas infill schemes at Aston and Mostyn, where it was anticipated 233 council properties would be connected.
With that in mind, the Council was keen to provide an offer to private homeowners within those areas which would encourage them to connect to the gas main. Money from the WG Arbed ECO top up scheme had been secured which would be used to fund the new loans, full details of which were contained in the report.
It was proposed that two additional conditions be inserted in respect of empty homes, which included a minimum period the property must remain tenanted after support was provided. This would be two years, or until the loan was released. The minimum period would rise to five years for those owners accessing grant support. A further condition relating to the need for owners provided with financial support to consent to their property being managed by a social lettings agency would also be inserted.
(a) That the introduction of a new Energy Efficiency loan product, to help deliver gas infill in communities across Flintshire be approved, and delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer, Community and Enterprise to operate the scheme;
(b) That the introduction of the WG Property Improvement Loan initiative be approved and the final terms and conditions of the scheme be delegated to the Chief Officer, Community and Enterprise and the Chief Officer, People and Resources; and
(c) That the additional clauses to be added to the Empty Homes assistance be approved, relating to the minimum period of rental being two years for a loan and five years for a grant and that the owner must consent to the property being managed by the Council’s chosen social lettings agency.