Issue - meetings
Housing Improvement Plan 2014/15
Meeting: 10/06/2014 - Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 11)
11 Improvement Plan 2014/15 PDF 33 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Improvement Plan 2014/15, item 11 PDF 125 KB
- Enc. 2 for Improvement Plan 2014/15, item 11 PDF 80 KB
- Enc. 3 for Improvement Plan 2014/15, item 11 PDF 17 KB
(a) That the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 and the ‘How achievement will be measured’ document be noted prior to final publication in June; and
(b) That the comments of the Committee be collated and sent to the Performance Unit.
The Performance Team Leader delivered a presentation and presented extracts from the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 detailing sub-priorities relevant to the Committee, prior to the full Plan being submitted to Cabinet and Council for adoption later in the month. The report also included an extract from the supporting document entitled ‘How achievement will be measured’.
As detailed in the report, a refresh of the Improvement Priorities had resulted in the setting of 22 sub-priorities for 2014/15 (as opposed to 24 sub-priorities for 2013/14) under eight over-arching Priorities. It was noted that the Wales Audit Office had reflected positively on changes to the Improvement Plan for 2013/14 in terms of its clarity and enabling public engagement.
The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager gave an overview of the sub-priorities to be considered by the Committee.
In welcoming the report, the Chairman highlighted the positive work carried out by the Welfare Rights team which had resulted in £2.3m of additional Social Security and Tax Credits received by Flintshire households during 2013/14. During the item, he congratulated the Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) on her new role and looked forward to her continuing to work with the Committee.
This was echoed by Councillor Paul Shotton, who suggested that information recently shared with Members on the Flintshire Credit Union scheme should be promoted to residents as a better alternative to payday loans. On the Wales Housing Quality Standard, he was pleased to note continued investment in the Council’s housing stock and noted that tenants had expressed their satisfaction in the work completed. He commented on the exiting of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) subsidy system which would help to support plans to build new Council houses and hoped that locations would be identified across the county. The Cabinet Member for Housing said that no decision had been reached on locations and that various sites were currently under consideration.
Councillor George Hardcastle asked about progress reporting from meetings of the Council’s wholly owned property management company, North East Wales Homes. The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) reported on the set up of the Board which had met twice to date, and said that performance reports would be submitted to the Committee every six months, with the first due in the Autumn.
Councillor Peter Curtis asked if the Council would publicise the second phase of a new Green Deal initiative by the Government for residents to apply for loans of up to £7K towards energy efficiency measures. The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager said that residents were being directed to such national loan schemes or alternative schemes available through the Council where this was more appropriate, for example where funding was available for vulnerable client groups.
In response to queries raised by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager explained the difficulty in assessing the impact of Universal Credit at this early stage and that a phased approach was being taken across the UK, with full implementation estimated to take around 2-3 years. Progress would be reported to the ... view the full minutes text for item 11