Issue - meetings

Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report

Meeting: 30/07/2014 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)

16 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 28 KB

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That the report be received.


The Head of ICT & Customer Services introduced a report to note and consider elements of the 2013/14 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee for the period January to March 2014.


Achieving Efficiency Targets


Councillor Mike Peers asked for explanation on differences in progress on some of the value for money reviews.  The Head of ICT & Customer Services referred to the spreadsheet discussed earlier in the meeting and said that efficiencies to be delivered in-year were tracked in monthly monitoring reports.


Councillor Peers felt it was unwise to describe a shortfall of £125K against the procurement cost efficiency target as a ‘slight’ amount.  The Corporate Finance Manager said that this was a fair point although the amount was in relation to the target of £1.723m.  He went on to say that the shortfall had been accounted for and offset by other efficiencies.


Access to Council Services


Councillor Peers felt that more promotion was needed on the excellent Flintshire mobile ‘app’ which allowed contact with the Council but felt it would be useful to include a facility to comment on previous incidents.  He expressed his disappointment at the decision taken by North Wales Police (NWP) not to take up occupancy at Flintshire Connects in Buckley.  The Head of ICT & Customer Services explained that NWP had agreed to hold regular surgeries at the office but had opted not to take up permanent residence due to the cost of converting the offices to requirements.


Following a question from Councillor Arnold Woolley on Flintshire Connects branches, it was explained that North Wales Police shared accommodation in both Holywell and Flint but not at Connah’s Quay.




That the report be received.