Issue - meetings

Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report (Social & Health Care OSC)

Meeting: 03/07/2014 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 28 KB

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That the report be received.



The Senior Manager: Commissioning and Performance introduced a report to consider elements of the 2013/14 Year End Improvement Plan monitoring report relevant to the Committee for the period January to March 2014.  He gave a short presentation on the progress made towards delivery of the impacts set out in the Improvement Plan. 


            Councillor Andy Dunbobbin felt that there was a need to look earlier at the issue of housing for young people including care leavers to try and prevent them becoming homeless.  The Chief Officer (Social Services) responded that discussions had been taking place with the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) and Community Support Services Manager on the issue and suggested that a report be submitted to future meetings of this Committee and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee. 


            Councillor Hilary Isherwood raised concern that the report did not provide enough information for the public.  In response, the Chief Officer (Social Services) said that it was a summary document on the improvement priorities of the overall Council and that detailed information would be included in the business plans of the relevant services. 




That the report be received.