Issue - meetings
Year End Service Performance Report (Social & Health Care OSC)
Meeting: 03/07/2014 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)
11 Year End Service Performance Report PDF 25 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Year End Service Performance Report (Social & Health Care OSC), item 11 PDF 187 KB
- Enc. 2 for Year End Service Performance Report (Social & Health Care OSC), item 11 PDF 188 KB
That the reports be received.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to request that the Committee consider the 2013/14 Year End Service Performance Report under the adopted business model of the Council.
He and the Service Manager/Resources gave a short presentation on the performance within Children’s Social Services, including highlights for the year end 2013-14, Internal and External Regulatory Reports and Corporate Reporting including complaints/compliments and sickness absence.
In response to a query from Councillor Hilary McGuill about the table on page 6, the Chief Officer (Social Services) advised that he could obtain the missing information for Members. Councillor McGuill also asked why the number of complaints for Childcare Fieldwork had increased and the Service Manager/Resources responded that it could be as a result of the withdrawal of legal aid. The Chair suggested that future reports include the number of complaints alongside percentage figures to allow Members to compare the results. Following a query from Councillor McGuill about the indicator on delivery of Disabled Facility Grants reported on page 12, the Disability, Progression and Recovery Service Manager advised that budget figures for adaptations to local authority properties could be obtained for Members.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) and Disability, Progression and Recovery Service Manager then gave a short presentation on the performance within Adult Social Services of highlights for year end 2013-14, Internal and External Regulatory Reports and Corporate Reporting including complaints/compliments and sickness absence.
Councillor Andy Dunbobbin highlighted the section on Safeguarding Vulnerable adults and sought assurance that colleagues in Social Services and Housing would liaise to ensure that referrals of anti-social behaviour were dealt with as soon as possible as he felt that the issue was a concern. The Chief Officer (Social Services) agreed to ensure the matter was taken up with the Housing Manager.
In referring to the national Social Care Accolade on the Recovery approach in the Mental Health Service, Councillor Hilary Isherwood asked whether working within constraints set by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and Welsh Government would mean that the service could continue to perform to the Measure. The Chief Officer (Social Services) responded that he had to be optimistic that the service would keep performing even though the prevention of mental health issues would continue to be a challenge. The Disability, Progression and Recovery Service Manager explained that performance against the measure was recorded by BCUHB and the results had indicated that Flintshire County Council was performing significantly better than other authorities. She added that she could provide Members with the details. Councillor Isherwood echoed the comments about the fantastic service provided by the officers in the Mental Health service but raised concern about future issues within BCUHB.
Councillor David Wisinger asked about the figures for compliments/complaints and in response, the Senior Manager: Commissioning and Performance said that the information reflected the numbers of people who had complained.
That the reports be received.