Issue - meetings
Local Service Board and Strategic Partnerships End of Year Report
Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 Local Service Board and Strategic Partnerships End of Year Report PDF 46 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Local Service Board and Strategic Partnerships End of Year Report, item 7 PDF 130 KB
- Enc. 2 for Local Service Board and Strategic Partnerships End of Year Report, item 7 PDF 241 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Chief Executive introduced the end of year assessments for:
· The progress of the Local Service Board (LSB) Priorities and its key Strategic Partnerships and;
· The priorities for each of the Strategic Partnerships for the year ahead
The LSB had recently published its Single Integrated Plan which focussed on four priorities and supported the work of LSB related strategic partnerships.
The LSB had adopted four priorities which were:
o Priority 1: Lead by example as employers and community leaders
o Priority 2: People are safe
o Priority 3: People enjoy good health, wellbeing and independence
o Priority 4: Organisational environmental practices
All four priorities had detailed programme plans, governance and reporting arrangements and integrated with the Council’s Improvement Plan. The Single Integrated Plan brought together those commitments and activities into one plan.
The Cabinet Member for Economic Development commented on the RAG status and what did not go so well on the Deeside Enterprise Zone (DEZ). Although the authority shared its DEZ investment enquiries with Welsh Government (WG) on a monthly basis, communication was one way and investment enquiries and opportunities remained unreported in the council’s data.
That progress made in the end of year reports be noted and the commitments for the current year as reflected in the Single Integrated Plan be endorsed.