Issue - meetings
Capital Programme 2014/15 (Month 9)
Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 143)
143 Capital Programme 2014/15 (Month 9) PDF 92 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Capital Programme 2014/15 (Month 9), item 143 PDF 59 KB
- Enc. 2 for Capital Programme 2014/15 (Month 9), item 143 PDF 108 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Corporate Finance Manager provided Members with the Month 9 (end of December) capital programme information for 2014/15.
Changes to the programme since approval of the budget, with cumulative information relating to each programme area, was provided in Appendix A and summarised in the report.
Early Identified Rollover of £2.225m had been identified which reflected reviewed spending plan across all programme areas and those committed amounts had been identified as now required to meet the cost of programme works in 2015/16.
Actual expenditure at the end of September (Month 9) across the whole of the programme was £23.037m. The breakdown of expenditure was analysed in the table in the report, along with the percentage spend against budget, which showed that 54.04% of the budget had been spent across the programme (County Fund 51.84% and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 64.58%).
(a) That the report be noted and approved; and
(b) That the rollover adjustments in paragraph 3.05.2 of the report be approved.