Issue - meetings

Workforce Information Report

Meeting: 02/07/2014 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

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That the Workforce Information Report for quarter four 2013/14 be noted. 



The Chief Executive introduced a report to provide Members with an update for the fourth quarter 2013/14 for the following:-


·         Establishment

·         Headcount

·         Agency

·         Early Retirements (First and third quarter reports only)

·         Turnover

·         Diversity

·         Absence


He explained that the headcount figure had reduced for quarter 4 because of the removal of relief and school supply workers and dormant posts.  The absence figures for 2013/14 showed an improvement of 0.28 FTE days lost from the comparative quarter in 2012/13 but did not meet the target set for 2013/14.  The Chief Executive welcomed the increase in the number of employees (44%) who had achieved 100% attendance throughout 2013/14. 


            Councillor Richard Jones suggested that appraisals for managers should include an indicator that the appraisals for all of the staff that reported to them be undertaken.          The Chief Executive advised that in the autumn, all of the Senior Managers would have their appraisals and then the appraisals of lower management levels would also be synchronised.  This suggestion would be included in the renewed appraisal approach. 


            Councillor Marion Bateman requested that a breakdown of short and long term absences could be included in future reports.   




That the Workforce Information Report for quarter four 2013/14 be noted.