Issue - meetings

Schedule of Member Remuneration

Meeting: 12/05/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 9)

9 Schedule of Member Remuneration pdf icon PDF 70 KB

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(a)       That band (b) be the agreed payment to the Council Chair and Vice-Chair;


(b)       That the schedule of Member remuneration shown in Appendix 2 be updated to apply to 2015/16; and


(c)        That further reports be submitted to Democratic Services Committee in relation to the details provided in paragraphs 3.03 and 3.04 of the report


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented the report to seek approval of the Council’s proposed Schedule of Member Remuneration for 2015/16. 


The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) had decided that for 2015/16 there should be no changes to any of the amounts paid, with the basic allowance payable to all elected Members remaining at £13,300 p.a.  Appendix 1 to the report provided details of the amounts payable to those Members who had additional responsibilities resulting from posts they held.


On payments to the Civic Head and Deputy the IRPW gave local choice to Councils as to which of the three bands outlined in the report it wished to apply. 


A proforma had recently been issued by the IRPW for use when drafting schedules of Member remuneration and although not mandatory, Councils were encouraged to use the proforma to suit the authority’s particular circumstances. It was recommended that the Council approve the existing format of the schedule of Member remuneration, amending the year to which it related, with a report being submitted to the Democratic Services Committee in July on the IRPW’s suggested proforma adapted to suit Flintshire’s particular circumstances.


Councillor Aaron Shotton proposed that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council receive the payments in band (b).  He also moved that the schedule of Member remuneration shown in Appendix 2 be updated to apply to 2015/16, and that further reports be submitted to Democratic Services Committee in relation to the details provided in paragraphs 3.03 and 3.04 of the report.  This was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge and on being put to the vote, was carried.




(a)       That band (b) be the agreed payment to the Council Chair and Vice-Chair;


(b)       That the schedule of Member remuneration shown in Appendix 2 be updated to apply to 2015/16; and


(c)        That further reports be submitted to Democratic Services Committee in relation to the details provided in paragraphs 3.03 and 3.04 of the report.