Issue - meetings
Recommendation from the Leisure Finance Task & Finish Group
Meeting: 19/06/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 4)
4 Recommendation from the Leisure Finance Task & Finish Group PDF 34 KB
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(a) That the Committee recommend to Cabinet that consideration be given to capital receipts received from the sale of land at Ysgol Perth y Terfyn Infants and Ysgol y Fron Junior School being ring-fenced for maintenance works for Leisure Centres in Flintshire; and
(b) That the Committee supports the proposal of the Task & Finish Group that it was inappropriate to continue to review Leisure Services further at the present time.
The Housing and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced a report to seek approval for a recommendation from the Leisure Finance Task & Finish Group to be supported and recommended to Cabinet for approval.
The Facilitator referred to the meeting of the Task & Finish Group held on 19 May 2014 and reported that the Group had considered the objectives as set out within their terms of reference. During discussion the Group had commented that to maintain and improve customer numbers, leisure facilities across Flintshire must be well maintained but had raised concerns around the lack of budget for essential maintenance within the Council’s Capital Programme. The Group were informed that the Council was currently conducting a review of assets across Flintshire where the needs of Leisure Centre maintenance would be considered. The Group felt it would be inappropriate to continue to review Leisure Services further at the present time as this could result in duplication of effort.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed thanks on behalf of the Task and Finish Group for the professionalism of the Officers who attended the meetings and for the information and support they had provided to Members.
(a) That the Committee recommend to Cabinet that consideration be given to capital receipts received from the sale of land at Ysgol Perth y Terfyn Infants and Ysgol y Fron Junior School being ring-fenced for maintenance works for Leisure Centres in Flintshire; and
(b) That the Committee supports the proposal of the Task & Finish Group that it was inappropriate to continue to review Leisure Services further at the present time.