Issue - meetings
Supplementary Financial Information to Draft Statement of Accounts 2013/14
Meeting: 16/07/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 20)
20 Supplementary Financial Information to Draft Statement of Accounts 2013/14 PDF 35 KB
Additional documents:
That the contents of the report be noted.
The Finance Manager - Technical Accountancy presented supplementary financial information to accompany the Draft Statement of Accounts 2013/14. Due to a technical error, Table 3 in Appendix 1 to the report had been omitted from the printed version of the agenda but had subsequently been made available.
On the table showing consultants and non-permanent posts for 2013/14 across the whole authority, it was stressed that the actual costs incurred were payments to the organisations employing those individuals. Councillor Alison Halford asked for clarification on the role and nature of complaints dealt with by the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) (complaints).
The Chief Executive explained that these individuals were responsible for reviewing complaints in Social Services and that the amount involved may be due to a peak in complaints or through additional support needed for a particularly sensitive case. The Head of Legal & Democratic Services was in agreement and explained that it was considered good practice to seek independent advice in some cases to verify the Council’s position. He felt that these costs may have related to a case in Children’s Services but agreed to confirm with a written response.
Councillor Halford queried whether the costs for engaging the Occupational Health Physician were cost-effective. The Chief Executive explained that by providing this role on a consultancy basis, where a minimum 1-1½ day provision per week was necessary, was more cost effective than the previous arrangement where a General Practitioner had been employed by the Council on a full-time basis to manage the Occupational Health service.
That the contents of the report be noted.