Issue - meetings

Community Profile & Partnerships Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 08/09/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 20)

20 Community Profile & Partnerships Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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That subject to the above amendments the Forward Work Programme be




The Member Engagement Manager introduced the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.  He reported that a representative of the North Wales Credit Union had been invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee on 13 October 2014, to give a presentation on the work of the Credit Union. 


Members considered the Forward Work Programme and It was agreed that an interim report on CCTV and anti-social behaviour be submitted to the meeting of the Committee to be held on 17 November 2014.  It was also agreed that the item on Coleg Cambria be scheduled for consideration at the meeting of the Committee to be held on 2 February 2015. 


The Member Engagement Manager invited Members to forward any suggestions for topics they may wish to be included in the Forward Work Programme to the Vice-Chair or himself. 




That subject to the above amendments the Forward Work Programme be
