Issue - meetings

Community Profile & Partnerships Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 17/11/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 31)

31 Community Profile & Partnerships Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme be agreed; and


(b)       That arrangements be made for Members to receive a presentation on

Community Asset Transfers in due course.



The Member Engagement Manager introduced the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.  He confirmed that a representative of the Samaritans would be in attendance at the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 18 December 2014, to give a presentation on the work of the Samaritans.  He asked Members to note the date and time of the meeting.


Members considered the Forward Work Programme and it was agreed that an update on Anti-social behaviour would also be considered at the next meeting.


Councillor Dave Mackie raised concerns around the postal arrangements used by Central Despatch for sending correspondence to Members.  The Member Engagement Manager agreed to look into the Royal Mail franking of a Flintshire County Council ‘One Post’ envelope and provide a response.


The Chairman asked that an item on Community Asset transfer be included on the Forward Work Programme for future consideration.  The Chief Executive provided background information and advised Members to contact the Chief Officer (Organisational Change) if they had any specific issues they wished to raise.  He also agreed to circulate further information on this matter to Members.   Councillor Robin Guest suggested that an all Member workshop be arranged for Members on the matter.  It was agreed that arrangements would be made for Members to receive a presentation on Community Asset Transfers in due course


During discussion it was also agreed that items on the proposed build of a Roman Fortress at Hope, and on solar panel  ‘farms’ be added for consideration at future meetings of the Committee. 


The Member Engagement Manager drew attention to the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 2 February 2015, and reminded Members that it had been decided that the meeting would be held as a Joint meeting with the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee to facilitate the attendance of David Jones, Principal, Coleg Cambria. 


The Member Engagement Manager invited Members to forward any suggestions for topics they may wish to be included in the Forward Work Programme to the Vice-Chair or himself. 



 (a)      That the Forward Work Programme be agreed; and


(b)       That arrangements be made for Members to receive a presentation on

Community Asset Transfers in due course.