Issue - meetings

Corporate Resources Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 11/09/2014 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

28 Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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(a)                  That the report be noted; and


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager liaise with the Chair to include a report on appraisals on the Forward Work Programme for consideration at a future meeting of the Committee. 



The Chair introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee. 


            Details were provided of the four items scheduled for the meeting on 9 October 2014.  Councillor Clive Carver commented on recent problems he had experienced on not receiving responses to communications sent to officers.  Councillor Robin Guest felt that the issue would be more appropriately considered by the Democratic Services Committee and Councillor Carver agreed to write to him with the details.  It was also agreed, following an earlier suggestion by Councillor Richard Jones, that a report on appraisals be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee. 




(a)          That the report be noted; and


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager liaise with the Chair to include a report on appraisals on the Forward Work Programme for consideration at a future meeting of the Committee.