Issue - meetings

Lifelong Learning Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 25/09/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 24)

24 Lifelong Learning Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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That subject to the above the Forward Work Programme be agreed.




The Housing and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.  The Facilitator informed members that she would be meeting the Chief Officer (Organisational Change) to discuss Leisure Service items for inclusion on the Forward Work Programme. 


Members reviewed the current programme and it was agreed that a special meeting be arranged to consider the item on the Post 16 Commissioning Strategy 2015/16.  It was also agreed that the item on Federation and Clusters be moved and submitted to the meeting of the Committee to be held on 23 October 2014, and that an item on school transport be added to the forward work programme for consideration at a future meeting.  


The Facilitator advised that the Headteachers of Gwynedd and Sychdyn Primary schools would also be invited to attend the meeting of the Committee on 23 October 2014 to provide feedback on school to school support in relation to the item on Learning from the School Performance Monitoring Group (SPMG). 



That subject to the above the Forward Work Programme be agreed.