Issue - meetings

Lifelong Learning Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 23/10/2014 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 31)

31 Lifelong Learning Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme be agreed subject to the above;


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager make arrangements for the proposed meeting of the Community Profile and  Partnerships Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 2 February 2015  to be held as a joint meeting with the Lifelong Learning Overview & Scrutiny Committee;


(c)        That an item on the Post 16 Commissioning Strategy 2015/16 be considered at the above joint meeting; and


(b)       That the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 4 December 2014, be held at St. Richard Gwyn High School, Flint.




The Member Engagement Manager introduced the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.  He explained that it had been suggested that a meeting be held on 16 December 2014 to consider the item on Post 16 Commissioning Strategy 2015/16.  Following discussion it was suggested that the item could be considered at a meeting of the Community Profile & Partnerships Overview & Scrutiny Committee to be held on 2 February 2015 as the Principal of Coleg Cambria would be attending.  It was agreed that the Member Engagement Manager make arrangements for the proposed meeting of the Community Profile and  Partnerships Committee on 2 February 2015  to be held as a joint meeting with the Lifelong Learning Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Nancy Matthews referred to her request to bring forward the item on school transport and raised a number of concerns around the transport arrangements for St. Richard Gwyn High School.  It was proposed and agreed that the next meeting of the Committee scheduled for 4 December 2014, be held at St. Richard Gwyn High School, Flint, and that the item on school transport be brought forward for consideration at the meeting.


Members reviewed the current programme and agreed that the following items be considered:


·         Quarterly performance reporting

·         National Model for School Improvement

·         School Modernisation (including School Repair and Maintenance)

·         Playschemes – scoping reports




 (a)      That the Forward Work Programme be agreed subject to the above;


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager make arrangements for the proposed meeting of the Community Profile and  Partnerships Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 2 February 2015  to be held as a joint meeting with the Lifelong Learning Overview & Scrutiny Committee;


(c)        That an item on the Post 16 Commissioning Strategy 2015/16 be considered at the above joint meeting; and


(b)       That the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 4 December 2014, be held at St. Richard Gwyn High School, Flint.