Issue - meetings
Recommendations from the Leisure Finance Task & Finish Group
Meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 40)
40 Recommendations from the Leisure Finance Task & Finish Group PDF 34 KB
(a) That recommendation (a) of the report not be supported as it is not in line with Council Policy and maintenance of leisure centres will be considered as part of the ongoing asset management strategy.
(b) as detailed in the recommendation (b)
The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance welcomed Councillor David Mackie to the meeting to present the report as Chair of the Lifelong Learning Overivew and Scrutiny Committee Leisure Finance Task and Finish Group.
Councillor Mackie thanked Cabinet for inviting him to the meeting and presented the recommendations of the Committee in relation to dual use leisure facilities in Flintshire and sale of land at Ysgol Perth y Terfyn Infants and Ysgol y Fron Junior School.
Details of the comments from the last meeting of the Task and Finish Group on 19 May were contained within the report.
Following a discussion on the first recommendation of the Task and Finish Group on the ring-fencing of capital receipts received from the sale of land at Ysgol Perth y Terfyn Infants and Ysgol y Fron Junior School for maintenance works for Leisure Centres, the Chief Executive advised that this was not in line with Council policy as the capital programme was one entity with individual receipts not being separated out.
It was agreed by Cabinet Members that 4.01 of the report should not be supported as it was not in line with Council policy and the maintenance of leisure centres would be considered as part of the ongoing asset management strategy.
That officers be asked to initiate discussions with schools where dual use leisure facilities were provided to assess whether they would consider assuming responsibility for community access of the facilities in the future.