Issue - meetings

Council Tax Base for 2015/2016

Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Cabinet (Item 81)

81 Council Tax Base for 2015/2016 pdf icon PDF 30 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) provided details on the setting of the Council Tax Base for 2015-16. 


The setting of the Council Tax allowed the County Council, Police & Crime Commissioner for North Wales and Town and Community Councils to calculate next year’s Council Tax charges based on the estimated number of chargeable properties.


The calculation of the Council Tax Base for 2015-16 was the measure of the taxable capacity of all areas in the County and was calculated in accordance with prescribed rules.  The Tax Base was based on the number of chargeable dwellings, expressed as Band D equivalents, taking into account the total number of property exemptions, disabled banding reduction, other status discounts together with an estimate to reflect new build and demolished properties over the forthcoming year. 


The Tax Base for 2015-16 had been calculated using the usual collection level of 99.0% which ensured the Council set one of the highest collection levels in Wales and demonstrated the successes and importance in collecting local Council Tax.




(a)       That a ‘nil’ level of discount for properties falling within any of the Prescribed Classes (A, B or C) continue to be set and it to apply to the whole of the County area; and


(b)       That the Tax Base of 61,993 chargeable Band ‘D’ equivalent properties be approved for 2015-16.