Issue - meetings
County Forum
Meeting: 08/09/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 18)
County Forum
To receive a presentation on the County Forum.
That the presentation be noted.
The Chief Executive gave a presentation on the Flintshire County Forum. He provided background information and explained that the purpose of the Forum was to share and work on issues of mutual interest to the Council and its communities. He reported on the following main points:
· Joint Community Charter
· Outcomes
· Working together for the future (meeting the ‘Budget challenge’)
· Developing the Forum
Councillor Chris Dolphin commented that attendance by Town and Community Councils at meetings of the Forum was in general disappointing. During discussion Members expressed the view that there were positive and negative aspects of the Forum and that it should be seen less as a forum for ‘scrutiny’ of the Council and more of an opportunity for Town and Community Councils to have an input on joint working and solutions.
That the presentation be noted.