Issue - meetings

Outcome Agreement 2013/14 - Assessment of Performance

Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Outcome Agreement 2013/14 - Assessment of Performance pdf icon PDF 43 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Policy and Performance Manager presented the end of year position of progress against the Outcome Agreement for 2013/14. 


The current Outcome Agreement was a three year agreement based on five strategic themes from the Welsh Government’s (WG) Programme for Government. 


The annual assessment of the Outcome Agreement was no longer based solely on the achievement of outcomes.  The structure of the current Outcome Agreement framework comprised two distinct components: Part 1 – outcomes; and Part 2 – corporate governance.  The Outcome Agreement would also be split into two parts; 70% for the delivery of better outcomes and 30% based on standards of corporate governance arrangements within the Authority.


For assessment of achievement of Part 1, the authority was required to provide a selt-assessment report to the extent to which it had delivered against agreed outcomes.  The authority was not required to make a submission for assessment of Part 2; this was based on standards of corporate governance as reported by the Auditor General for Wales.


The first year’s performance of the Outcome Agreement was complete and a self-assessment of performance against the actions and measures had been undertaken.  The assessment was that all five themes were fully successful.  Give that assessment, it was expected that Flintshire County Council would achieve the maximum ten points and be awarded the full grant of approximately £1.458m.


WG had confirmed that they would recommend to the Minister that 100% of the grant be paid and that they were satisfied with the revised content of the Outcome Agreement for year two.




That the progress made against the Outcome Agreement for 2013/14 and the Welsh Government’s recommendation to the Minister be noted.