Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 24/09/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 35)

35 Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 21 KB

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That the Forward Work Programme be approved.


The Internal Audit Manager presented the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the next year.


Councillor Alison Halford suggested that a future item be considered on waste including costs of landfill and contractors.


The Internal Audit Manager pointed out that an audit on waste was to be undertaken in this year’s Plan.  The Chief Executive said that a mechanism was in place for matters relating to the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project to be submitted to the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  To avoid the risk of duplication of work, the Democracy & Governance Manager said that operational matters on waste should remain under the remit of Overview & Scrutiny whereas the findings of the forthcoming audit would provide the Audit Committee with assurance levels on controls or give the opportunity to raise any concerns.  No further comments were made.




That the Forward Work Programme be approved.