Issue - meetings

Direct Payments/Penderels Trust

Meeting: 09/10/2014 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)

26 Direct Payments/Penderels Trust pdf icon PDF 62 KB


That the report be noted.



The Chief Officer (Social Services) presented the report to provide members with an update regarding how Flintshire Social Services was empowering eligible people through Direct Payments to achieve greater choice and control over the support they required to meet their bespoke needs and outcomes.  He introduced Claire Bickford and Jane Bown, representatives of Penderels Trust,  Marion Harrison, Service User, and Jo Taylor, Disability, Progression and Recovery Service Manager.  He invited the Service Manager to give an overview of the Direct Payments scheme.


The Service Manager provided background information and advised that the County Council was considered an exemplar in the field of direct payments and citizen directed support.  Direct payments provided the opportunity for people to work in partnership with care professionals to arrange solutions to fit in with their personal preferences and lifestyles which in turn contributed towards their independence, responsibility and quality of life.  The Service Manager reported on the key considerations in the report and referred to safeguards, reviews, monitoring, Penderels Trust, County Council support, training, public information, and peer support.   She also gave an outline of  further developments for the Flintshire Direct Payments Scheme to ensure it remained fit for purpose under the new requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) 2013 Act.   


The Chair thanked the Chief Officer and Service Manager for their overview and invited Members to raise questions.


Councillor Hilary McGuill raised a number of questions concerning the Penderels Trust and cost and levels of service provided.  During discussion Members raised further concerns around training, recruitment, risks,  safeguards, and CRB checks.       The representatives of the Penderels Trust and Service Manager responded to the queries and concerns raised and additional information was provided by Marion Harrison based on her  experience of operating  the Direct Payments scheme. 




That the report be noted.