Issue - meetings
Adult Safeguarding
Meeting: 09/10/2014 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)
28 Adult Safeguarding PDF 50 KB
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(a) That the report and the work of the safeguarding unit within social services be noted; and
(b) That the Committee writes to the Welsh Government to express its strong views that the criteria relating to the 'other' category within the POVA guidance be made much clearer and that there is a need for a single reference point to collate information from partner agencies in relation to POVA and integrated IT systems to facilitate this.
The Adult Safeguarding Manager introduced the report to give an update on adult safeguarding performance and current issues. He provided background information and referred to the key considerations around adult safeguarding statistics, deprivation of liberty safeguards, and training.
During discussion the Chief Officer (Social Services) and Adult Safeguarding Manager responded to the concerns raised by Members around the annual increase in the number of referrals received and referred to the raised awareness amongst staff, family members and the general public.
In response to a question from Councillor Hilary McGuill concerning contact arrangements, the Adult Safeguarding Manager explained that the first point of contact was generally the First Contact Team. Councillor McGuill also referred to the graph provided for outcomes for alleged person responsible and asked that a breakdown be provided for the cases recorded as ‘other’.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to reports in the media that there was a reluctance to report issues in care homes to the relevant authorities. He expressed the view that information should be co-ordinated into a single reference point which would identify any patterns of abuse or neglect developing.
Members raised a number of concerns around the recording of incidents in residential care homes. The Adult Safeguarding Manager outlined the policy for the reporting of significant incidents and advised that such matters were referred to the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales and the in-house Contract Monitoring Team. In response to a question from Councillor Hilary McGuill regarding the recording of incidents in private hospitals, Officers advised that these were reported to the Health Inspectorate Wales. Councillor McGuill raised a further question concerning incidents reported in the media at Glan Clwyd Hospital and Deeside Community Hospital. The Chief Officer confirmed that both incidents had been investigated through the POVA process.
Councillor Stella Jones proposed that the Committee writes to the Welsh Government to express its strong views that the criteria relating to the 'other' category within the POVA guidance be made much clearer, and that there is a need for a single reference point to collate information from partner agencies in relation to POVA and integrated IT systems to facilitate this.
(a) That the report and the work of the safeguarding unit within social services be noted; and
(b) That the Committee writes to the Welsh Government to express its strong views that the criteria relating to the 'other' category within the POVA guidance be made much clearer and that there is a need for a single reference point to collate information from partner agencies in relation to POVA and integrated IT systems to facilitate this.