Issue - meetings
Annual Performance Report 2013/14
Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 63)
63 Annual Performance Report 2013/14 PDF 27 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Policy and Performance Manager introduced the Annual Performance Report for publication of which a revised copy had been circulated.
The Report must be published by 31 October each year and it accounted for the organisation’s previous year’s performance against its Improvement Priorities.
The requirements of the Measure were met through the “forward-looking” documents of the Improvement Plan 2013/14 and the Council (Plan) Governance Framework which set out the vision and priorities for the Council.
The complex document, required by Welsh Government (WG), had many components that had already been published, in particular, the year-end Improvement Plan monitoring reports in June. Whist meeting WG guidance, it was recognised that the detailed report may not be the best way to engage the public and workforce. Next year the format of the Annual Performance Report would be simplified by signposting to existing documents. However, an Executive Summary had been provided with the report this year which could be shared with partners, workforce and the public.
The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance said he was particularly pleased to see the details on housing provision and extra care. Similarly, the Cabinet Member for Economic Development welcomed the fully successful outcome on Growth and Sustainable Jobs.
That the 2013/14 Annual Performance Report be endorsed for publication.