Issue - meetings
Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4
Meeting: 11/12/2014 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)
50 Workforce Information Quarter 1 and 2 PDF 37 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4, item 50 PDF 29 KB
- Enc. 2 for Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4, item 50 PDF 2 MB
- Enc. 3 for Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4, item 50 PDF 2 MB
- Enc. 4 for Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4, item 50 PDF 3 MB
- Enc. 5 for Workforce Information Reporting and Business Intelligence 4, item 50 PDF 2 MB
That the Workforce Information Reports for Quarters 1 and 2 be noted.
The Chief Officer (People and Resources) introduced a report to provide an update for the first and second quarters for 2014/15. She explained that the information was being presented in dashboard format and that the performance information for the whole organisation was split to show Schools and Non-Schools data separately.
The Chief Officer provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report around headcount and full time equivalent, organisational age profile, employee turnover and stability, attendance, performance appraisals and development, resource management, equality and diversity.
Councillor Arnold Woolley commented on the use of agency workers and asked if information on the time that an agency worker was employed by the Council could be provided in future reports. The Chief Officer (People and Resources) agreed to include the duration that agency workers were employed for in future reports.
That the Workforce Information Reports for Quarters 1 and 2 be noted.