Issue - meetings
Large Scale Renewable Energy Opportunities
Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 66)
66 Large Scale Renewable Energy Opportunities PDF 55 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment provided details of the opportunities available to Flintshire County Council in respect of large scale freestanding renewable energy systems.
In recent months both the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) had been investigating ways to assist local authorities to move from installing relatively small scale renewable schemes to much larger commercial scale developments.
Flintshire County Council had considerable land assets, ranging from Council farms to landfill sites, parks and woodland, and a wide variety of other parcels of land. Many had potential, either to develop as energy schemes or contribute to developing a more sustainable and profitable future.
The Council’s Carbon Reduction Strategy had four primary strands to achieve the 60% reduction target for carbon emissions from County buildings by 2021. One of the most significant elements was the development of large scale renewable generation, which would be essential for the Council to meet the target.
The Welsh Government (WG) were also investigating ways to promote and encourage large scale renewable development in local authorities, and potential funding had been suggested although how that would be accessed, or what criteria would be necessary, was uncertain.
A number of local authorities had already begun the process of building or developing large scale renewable energy projects and details of those authorities were contained in the report.
(a) That approval be given to officers to identify all suitable large scale renewable energy sites within Flintshire County Council’s ownership and undertake initial assessments of their viability, and potential yield. Details of these sites and a development programme to be brought back to Cabinet for comment/approval;
(b) That the development of a 10 year action plan, detailing options and aspirational targets as a route map to achieving the Council’s existing Carbon Reduction Strategy for renewable energy generation, and ultimately the potential to become a net exporter of electrical energy be approved; and
(c) That a budget of £50k be allocated for the work.