Issue - meetings

European Structural Funds and Rural Development Plan Programmes

Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 European Structural Funds and Rural Development Plan Programmes pdf icon PDF 48 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development informed Members of the current position in the development of the European Structural Funds and Rural Development Plan (RDP) programmes, the emerging priorities for North Wales and the potential opportunities for the Council. 


The European Structural Funds and RDP represented a major source of funding for economic development, skills and employment, infrastructure and quality of life.


The European Structural Funds had two programmes within its funding stream: European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).  The funding programmes within the Operational Programmes were detailed in the report, with each priority having a number of specific objectives which would operate on an All-Wales, West Wales and the Valleys only or an East Wales only basis.


The RDP programme primarily supported the land-based sector in Wales but included some smaller elements for wider rural development, details of which were appended to the report.


The Cabinet Member for Housing provided details on the current position in the development of Domestic Energy Efficiency North Wales Collaboration project, explaining that the proposed programme was designed to create a sustainable and replenishing loan pot of £30 million per annum through investment of ERDF capital in the domestic energy efficiency retrofit of 3,000 homes per year.  The work would be delivered by Flintshire County Council across North and Mid Wales targeting the 286,000 homes in the region and the programme would be open to all tenants and residents which was a step change from existing funding streams.  The funding would be distributed evenly over several financial years to prevent a boom and bust scenario that had been a characteristic of the market in recent years.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report and the funding from the programmes.




(a)       That the progress in the development of the European programme be noted and that approval be given to the next steps set out in the report; and


(b)       That delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Housing in conjunction with the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) to move the Domestic Energy Efficiency project forward as described in the report.