Issue - meetings

Strategic Partnership Performance Mid Year Review

Meeting: 18/12/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 40)

40 Strategic Partnership Performance Mid Year Review pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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That the report be noted.



The Member Engagement Manager introduced a report on the mid year assessments for the progress of the Local Service Board Priorities.   He provided background information and reported that the Local Service Board (LSB) had published its Single Integrated Plan (SIP) focussing on four priorities which was supported by the work of the LSB related strategic partnerships.  He advised that Flintshire’s LSB had adopted the four priorities of the LSB, and the SIP brought together the commitments and activities into one plan.  A mid year assessment of the four priorities was appended to the report for Members’ consideration. 


                        Councillor Paul Shotton commented on the positive progress made concerning the sub-priority areas in Priority 1.  He also referred to Priority 3 and the opening of the Flying Start Centre in Connah’s Quay and asked if the registration of the childcare provider had been confirmed by the CSSIW.  It was agreed that the Member Engagement Manager would make enquiries and provide a written response to Councillor Shotton.   Councillor Shotton also referred to the introduction of Universal Credit in Shotton and commented on the need for close monitoring as more complex cases came forward.  



That the report be noted.