Issue - meetings
Budget Consultation Process
Meeting: 13/11/2014 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 38)
Budget Consultation Process
A verbal update will be provided.
(a) That the update be noted;
(b) That concerns raised on the impact of education cuts on classroom sizes be referred to the Lifelong Learning;
(c) That concerns raised on the impact of any cuts on social care services to vulnerable people be referred to the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and
(d) That more detail on the Council’s approach to community asset transfers be shared with the Committee, including the FLVC website address.
The Leader of the Council thanked all Members who had attended the recent workshops and said that Group Leaders would be asked to pass on information to those who had been unable to attend and offer the opportunity for a separate discussion with officers.
In terms of reconciling the £2.6m gap to meet the overall revised budget gap of £16.4m for 2015/16 following the 3.4% reduction in the settlement, he said that there were a number of options remaining to be explored around school budgets, Council Tax levels and further service efficiencies, and that draft budget proposals would include further savings with emerging risks. At the formal Overview & Scrutiny budget consultation meetings scheduled for January 2015, there would be an opportunity for Members to scrutinise the ‘green’ rated risk options which had not been shared at the workshops and which represented a significant share of the efficiencies. In referring to the challenges of managing the expectations of Council Members and members of the public, he said that although the current situation was reflected nationally, Flintshire’s approach to closing the budget and defending important local government services was to create opportunities for alternative service models and innovation. In response to concerns raised by a number of Members at the workshops on the provisional budget settlement for 2015/16 received from the Welsh Government (WG), it was the Leader’s intention to submit the Council’s response for discussion at full Council.
The Chief Executive referred to the deadline for consultation responses of 19 November and the need to have a full debate with all Members at Council. He said that any significant change in the final settlement was unlikely as there was limited scope for financial flexibility within WG given budget pressures across the public sector, and therefore it was advisable to concentrate on the need for longer term planning in a consultation response. He went on to provide information on the timescale for the budget setting process with work being undertaken on impact and equality impact assessments of the budget proposals and options.
Councillor Clive Carver made reference to the Council seeking expressions of interest on the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) initiative from Town and Community Councils. He said that any decision to pursue this would impact significantly on precept amounts and asked how this could be justified when the asset in question was not limited to residents only in those communities. The Chair said that the same concerns had been raised by others and in particular, smaller Town and Community Councils.
In acknowledging the point raised, the Leader of the Council said that this was a genuine attempt to offer the opportunity to transfer responsibility of important assets to Town/Community Councils or volunteer groups to protect and retain those facilities for the benefit of communities. He referred to the scale of the current financial challenges and said that discussions could take place with Town/Community Councils on any ideas for CAT that were put forward, including options for collaboration with other Town/Community Councils. ... view the full minutes text for item 38