Issue - meetings
Update on Tenant Involvement
Meeting: 08/07/2015 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)
19 Update on Tenant Involvement PDF 96 KB
(a) That the on-going service activity in relation to customer involvement be noted; and
(b) That the revised Customer Involvement Strategy, as outlined in the report, be supported.
The Chairman introduced and welcomed Mr. John Ennis, Chair of Flintshire Tenants and Residents Federation, and Eddy Jones, Vice Chair of Flintshire Tenants and Residents Federation, to the meeting.
The Acting Senior Manager, Council Housing Services, introduced a report to provide assurance to the Committee on the commitment and approach to Customer Involvement within the Council Housing Services. The report provided an update on on-going activities and proposed further development of a number of measures to ensure effective customer Involvement and customer focused service.
The Acting Senior Manager, Council Housing Services, provided background information as detailed in the report and referred to the key consideration concerning the customer involvement strategic review.
Mr. John Ennis spoke in support of the report and thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to comment on customer involvement. He expressed his appreciation to the Chief Officer and her team for the support provided to the Tenants Association. He commented on the value of the meetings which had been held previously between Members and tenants and said he would welcome the continuation of these meetings in the future. The Cabinet Member for Housing agreed to review the arrangements for Member and tenant meetings. Mr. Eddy Jones, Vice Chair of Flintshire Tenants and Residents Federation, also endorsed the report and spoke in support of the assistance provided by Officers to the Tenants Association.
The Chairman invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Vicky Perfect spoke in support of the social events held locally to engage with customers to promote the services and support available to both tenants and residents of the County and other visitors to the areas. The Acting Senior Manager, Council Housing Services, said the outcomes from such events provided positive feedback which enabled the Service to move forward.
Councillor George Hardcastle asked how many members of staff were using the handheld computer devices provided by CAPITA software system. The Acting Senior Manager, Council Housing Services, agreed to provide the figure following the meeting. In response to the further queries raised by Councillor Hardcastle the Senior Manager advised that the system was working well and the project was on course.
During discussion the Senior Manager responded to the further questions and comments raised by Members concerning communication through publication of a Housing News magazine which is delivered twice a year to all tenants and the use of social media. Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked if a copy of the Housing News magazine could be provided to all Members in future. Councillor Dolphin also commented on the information which was sent to tenants to allow them to choose their bathroom and kitchen for example, and asked whether a copy of this could be sent to her. The Senior Manager agreed to email a copy to her following the meeting.
(a) That the on-going service activity in relation to customer involvement be noted; and
(b) That the revised Customer Involvement Strategy, as outlined in the report, be supported.