Issue - meetings
Quarter 2 Improvement Plan Monitoring Reports (Community Profile & Partnerships)
Meeting: 18/12/2014 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 39)
39 Quarter 2 Improvement Plan Monitoring Reports (Community Profile & Partnerships) PDF 86 KB
Additional documents:
That the progress with Community Safety be endorsed.
Members received a report on the 2014/15 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee. The report covered the period July – September 2014.
The Member Engagement Manager advised that the following Improvement Plan sub-priority report was attached to the Report for the Committee’s consideration:
- Community Safety
The Chairman invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Ian Dunbar commented on the challenge of ensuring that drug and alcohol service users attended appointments. The Team Leader Community Safety responded that it was always a challenge to encourage service users to attend appointments which was exacerbated if they did not have access to their own transport. One way that the Community Drug and Alcohol Team sought to address this, using Welsh Government funding, was through providing bus passes to clients to enable them to access the treatment they required.
That the progress with Community Safety be endorsed.