Issue - meetings
Children's Services Forum
Meeting: 20/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 114)
114 Children's Services Forum PDF 25 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Cabinet Member for Education sought approval to amend the membership of the Children’s Services Forum.
The membership of the Forum had been extended to include a secondary school headteacher and had benefitted from the knowledge, experience and input from that representative. It was the view of the Forum that extending the membership to include headteacher representation from the primary sector would further inform the Forum, and afford direct links to the primary sector.
The addition of a representative from an independent professional advocacy service had also been considered by the Forum and it had been agreed that the extension of the membership to include this would positively support the Forum in its remit.
Both of the representatives would have full voting rights and would be formally co-opted by the Children’s Services Forum. Terms of office would be four years with representatives being able to serve for an unlimited number of terms of office, subject to reselection.
That the changes to the membership of the Children’s Services Forum be authorised to include a Primary Headteacher representative and an independent advocate.