Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme
Meeting: 28/01/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 56)
56 Forward Work Programme PDF 21 KB
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That the Forward Work Programme be noted.
The Internal Audit Manager presented the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the next year. He advised that self-assessment questionnaires were due to be sent out and urged Members and officers to return these promptly, in preparation for discussion on this item at the next meeting.
Councillor Alison Halford commented on the Community Asset Transfer initiative and the need for clarity on the costs of assets to assist in decision-making of Town and Community Councils.
In acknowledging the point made, the Chief Executive explained that whilst costs could be determined for assets that were wholly-owned by the Council, there was limited information on other assets which could involve more complex issues. Discussions were currently taking place on such examples to explore options for limiting the risk of liability to Town and Community Councils who may be interested in assuming ownership/management of assets. This was a learning process and therefore not timely as a current agenda item, however a clearer picture of progress on the initiative was more likely by the summer.
That the Forward Work Programme be noted.