Issue - meetings
External Regulators and Inspections Reports
Meeting: 28/01/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 54)
54 External Regulators and Inspections Reports PDF 26 KB
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That the process for dealing with reports by external auditors, other regulators and inspectors during 2014 be noted.
The Democracy & Governance Manager presented the Committee with the second annual report detailing reports by external auditors, other regulators and inspectors, pursuant to guidance under Section 85 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure. As previously agreed, the report included detail on other committees in receipt of such reports and arrangements had been put in place to ensure that the records were monitored by the Policy & Performance Team. In giving an overview of the content of the report, the Democracy & Governance Manager said he hoped that this provided assurance of the proper mechanism and monitoring that was in place.
The Chief Executive reminded Members of the protocol in operation at Flintshire for regulatory reports to be received by the Committee, Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny, together with the practice for a written response as good practice and to demonstrate transparency.
Mr. John Herniman of Wales Audit Office spoke positively about the report and the approach being taken by the Council on this matter.
Councillor Alison Halford expressed her appreciation to the Democracy & Governance Manager and to the Policy & Performance Team.
That the process for dealing with reports by external auditors, other regulators and inspectors during 2014 be noted.