Issue - meetings

2015/16 Council Fund Budget Setting Process Update

Meeting: 20/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 2015/16 Council Fund Budget Setting Process Update


As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Executive delivered a presentation on the 2015/16 Council Fund Budget Setting Process which covered the following areas:


·         Content

·         National Position

·         Revised Local Position

·         Impacts of 14-15 on 15-16

·         Strategy to Close the Extended Gap

·         Up to Date Strategy Position

·         Remaining Strategy Actions

·         Big Budget Conversation

·         Member Involvement

·         Overview and Scrutiny

·         Final Steps in the Budget

·         Medium Term Financial Plan Review


The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance expanded upon the forthcoming consultation process which would be taking place with Overview and Scrutiny Committees over the following two weeks before consideration by County Council on 17 February 2015.  He added that the authority maintained its position to protect local services and facilities wherever possible.  However, if similar cuts were experienced in future years, services could become unsustainable.  He stressed the importance of Community Asset Transfer options coming to fruition, full details of which were in a report for consideration at this meeting.  On consequential funding, he expressed his disappointment that no further funding had been made available to local authorities in Wales.




That the presentation be received and the update position be noted.